Tomas Kubinek Certified Lunatic

See Full Roster


They came from far and wide, and with enormous expectations - he wasn’t about to let them down - “Ladies and gentlemen I shall now stop the rotation of the earth for three full seconds!”


The one and only Dr. Professor Kubf nek is a COMIC GENIUS, VIRTUOSO VAUDEVILLIAN, and all-round charmer who gives audiences an utterly joyous experience they’ll remember for a lifetime.

His latest creation; TOMAS KUBiNEK -MIRACLE MAN, is a rip-roaring revival of strong-man stunts, couples-counseling, snake-healings, and mass-hypnosis that leaves audiences dazed, beaming and in love with life once again ...


“Masterfully played comedy ... That secret mixture of DARING, TALENT, AND UTTER FOOLISHNESS ... “ - Santa Fe Reporter

“HILARIOUS and enormously talented.” - TimeOut, London

“The audience sits transfixed, gleefully awaiting each new moment of MAD BRILLIANCE.” - Badische Zeitung, Germany


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